Port Stephens resident, Elizabeth Meader Raymond Terrace speaks up o Port Stephens rate rise proposal



Dear News Of The Area,

DESPITE survey percentages of up to 74% being against Council’s sought SRV, Mr Palmer, the Mayor, believes ‘the community has unequivocally told us that they want more than we can provide with our current income’, while Mr Le Mottee speaks of a clear mandate from ratepayers.

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Port Stephens deserves trustworthy councillors who will follow the regulations in the NSW Local Government Act, such as:

8A (2)(c) Councils should consider the long term and cumulative effects of actions on future generations.

8A (2)(e) Council decision-making should be transparent and decision-makers are to be accountable for decisions and omissions.

226 Role of mayor (f) to ensure the meetings of the council are conducted efficiently, effectively and in accordance with this Act.

232 (d) to represent the collective interests of residents, ratepayers and the local community.

Further relevant and eye-opening reading material will be found in IPART’s ‘Revenue Framework for Local Government’.

I leave it to Mr Ken Fletcher (Examiner 25/10/18), Mr Peter Slater (Examiner 18/10/18), E Boyce (Examiner 03/01/19) and/or other interested individuals to pursue information relating to breaches of the Act etc.

Anyone against this SRV sought by Port Stephens Council must lodge a submission (signed by you/your family/your neighbours) with IPART from 11 February to 11 March. Public submissions should be made BY POST to PO Box K35, Haymarket, NSW, 1240, or ONLINE www.ipart.nsw.gov.au

If sufficient people lodge submissions there may be no need for a Yellow Vest movement in Port Stephens.

E Meader
Raymond Terrace

One thought on “Port Stephens resident, Elizabeth Meader Raymond Terrace speaks up o Port Stephens rate rise proposal

  1. A succinct article by Elizabeth Meader!
    In addition it seems that the councils has not met the basic requirement for a SRV application which is.. “……in .order to develop or maintain essential community services or regional projects” (IPART website) All essential services are being provided under existing funding and there are no regional projects existing.

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