Tea Gardens Women’s Bowls weekly result

Elizabeth Kelly member of Women's Bowls NSW for 25 years.
Elizabeth Kelly member of Women’s Bowls NSW for 25 years.

Tea Gardens Women’s Bowls

TUESDAY 19th February: The first Round of the Club Championship Major Singles was played plus social bowls.

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The first bowler to reach 25 points, regardless of ends bowled is the winner in a Singles game. It was a tough game for Robyn Webster, (who has not been bowling for months) v Robyn Beaumont. Robyn Beaumont was in control of the game from start to finish she bowled brilliantly claiming victory after 10 ends 25 v 0. Karen McPhie proved to be a too strong an opposition for Judi Polak winning 24 v 6 after 17 ends. Sheril Johnson was a late starter against Maynie Roberts. After 12 ends the score was 22 v 1, Maynie only needing 3 shots to be a winner. It took Maynie another 7 ends to gain those 3 precious points final score 27 v 6. Lynne Nightingale and Sandra Leisemann were fairly evenly matched till the 10th end then Sandra sent down some great bowls winning on the 19th end 27 v 11. Fours was the format for social bowls Jean Glover, Francis Betar, Bev Stephens and Kayelene Pearson defeating Ingrid Luck, Pam Gilchrist, Deyonne Page and Judy McGavock 20 v 5. The winner of the raffle was Judi Polak, thanks to the Myall Bistro and Café for donating the raffle prize. Following bowls Club president presented Elizabeth Kelly a badge/certificate for being a member of Women’s Bowls NSW for 25 years.

Thursday 21st February: Much needed rain prevented bowls being played. The Major Singles competition will resume on Tuesday 5th March, due to District triples being held 25th, 26th and 27th February.



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