Tea Gardens Women’s Bowls weekly results

Winner of the Club Championship Major Singles Karen McPhie with Runner Up Maynie Roberts.
Winner of the Club Championship Major Singles Karen McPhie with Runner Up Maynie Roberts.


Tea Gardens Women’s Bowls

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Tuesday 16th April: No social bowls played due to wet weather conditions. Pennant news as follows Grade 2 sides travelled to Kotara and bowled on a very rain affected, heavy green. They have added 0.5 point to their tally, remaining in first position in their section but the margins are narrowing and all the teams in their section bowl on the 23rd April so they are not yet “home and hosed”. Our Grade 4 Yellow team gained 1 point and despite they, (and other teams) have another game to contest on the 23rd they are winners in their section and will be representing the Club at the Post Sectional Finals commencing on Sunday 28th April. A terrific effort from our Grade 4 Blue side that is comprised mainly of first time Pennant and relatively new bowlers plus they have had a few Skip changes to their side for various reasons. This team are presently in 3rd spot,( in their section) but still have a chance of coming second. A Nelson Bay team are winning by a big margin and have already won their spot in the finals. Home games for the Grade 4 ladies on the 23rd, the Grade 2 will be bowling at Soldiers Point.

Thursday 18th April: The long awaited final of the Club Championship Major Singles, and what a final it was. Karen McPhie v Maynie Roberts, 27ends bowled before a winner was determined. A very close game in the beginning both contestants sharing the lead and generally only by one or two shots. By the 13th end Karen managed to have edged ahead by 5 shots but Maynie put down some great bowls and gained a lead of 1 by the 17th end. Then she won the next 3 ends adding 5 to her tally in all. The score on the 21st end Maynie 20 v Karen 15, it looked as if this contest was nearly over but no, it wasn’t. Karen won the next end by 2 shots, then Maynie won the next by 1, then Karen won the next 4 ends gaining 9 shots, winning 26 v 21. the spectators were not disappointed with the standard of the bowling, a great game to watch.

Social bowls results: Pam Gilchrist and Bev Stephens 12 v Jan Coomer and Lynne Green 10. Lyn Nightingale (good to have a win on your birthday) and Lynda Richards 13 v Margaret Wigman and Bev Rhodes 5. Lynne Green was the raffle winner, many thanks to the Myall Bistro and Café for donating the raffle prize.



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