The Alfresco Restart Package launched by the NSW Government, aiming to revive a struggling sector


A $66 MILLION Alfresco Restart Package has been launched by the NSW Government to support businesses and communities recover from the Covid-19 pandemic.

NSW Treasurer Matt Kean said, “Alfresco dining is not only a great way to dine, it’s a safe way to socialise as we open up.

“That’s why we are supporting new outdoor entertainment and dining precincts to pop up right across the state through our $66 million Alfresco Restart initiative,” Mr Kean said.

Minister for Digital and Customer Service Victor Dominello said it is “time to enjoy a meal or drink in the sunshine and the NSW Government is committed to helping businesses do that in time for summer”.

“We’re providing 5,000 hospitality businesses a $5,000 grant to get their outdoor dining venture off the ground – whether that’s to help set-up curb-side dining or a pub-style courtyard, we’re here to turn their ideas into reality.”

The NSW Government is doing all it can to revive the hospitality and entertainment industries, while ensuring people can safely socialise in the sunshine.

Nambucca Valley is the perfect space for hospitality businesses to set up, if they have not already, alfresco dining.

Local businesses have felt the impact of lockdowns and fewer tourists driving into town.

This grant is a welcome addition to the various supports that the NSW Government is providing to help revive the State’s economy.

Luke McGregor-Allen, the owner of Nambucca Heads’ Earthbound Bowra Cafe said, “This is a great opportunity to bring life to streets like Bowra St in Nambucca Heads, and other shopping strips in the Nambucca Valley.

“It’s been a tough time for all retail businesses across the country, and it is great that the NSW Government has launched a range of grants including this one for the hospitality, arts and music industry.”

The alfresco package is aimed at helping hospitality, arts, and music sectors to revive after lockdowns and the wide impact that has been felt by these.

“After many months in lockdown, the people of NSW are ready to enjoy themselves, so we’ve thrown out the rule book with new temporary alfresco measures, while also making last year’s trials permanent,” Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, Mr Stokes said.

“In addition to the permanent easing of rules for dining on footpaths and public spaces, we’re temporarily allowing outdoor dining on privately-owned bowling greens and carparks, meaning businesses can expand outdoors on “almost any piece of land they own to welcome more customers.”

Councils are encouraged to get involved in the program and increase the opportunities for outdoor dining.

The Office of Local Government is finalising guidelines to help councils with this.

Information will be posted to the NSW Government site about the grant application process once it becomes available.

More details available at

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