The koi get showy at competition coming to Coffs

Australian Koi Association Mid North region chapter members with a fish ready to transport to the Coffs Harbour show, (left) Peter Hemmings and Greg Hammomd.

THE Australian Koi Association (AKA) Mid North region chapter presents its major koi show on Sunday July 16 at The North Coast Regional Botanic Gardens in Coffs Harbour.

The judging process begins at 9am.

Anyone can drop in and take a look anytime.

“Exhibit fish numbers are up from 80-ish last year to over 100 this year,” Coffs Harbour Koi Association club chairman, Gavan Gribble, told News Of The Area.

The fish will be critically observed by the experienced eye of internationally and locally experienced koi judge, Mark Robinson, who is coming up from Sydney for the show.

“Mark is a very well-known Sydney koi hobbyist, fish breeder and successful exhibitor,” said Gavan.

Competitors will be pitting their koi fish against a field hailing from as far away as the Queensland border and including Banora Point, Grafton, Arrawarra Headland, Coffs, Sawtell, South West Rocks, Hat Head, Kempsey, Port Macquarie and Gloucester.

“This is a big event,” said Gavan.

“Sydney is the national big one, Perth conducts a significant event and we fit in as the third largest-event nationally, and we are growing.”

The AKA’s Coffs show has attracted generous sponsorship support from Allcare Ponds in Sydney, “and from the Australian agent of the world’s best-recognised Japanese koi food supplier HIKARI.”

Gavan said, “this shows incredible generosity and support from these two sources in recognising the growth and potential to the community and the hobby”.

At the show the AKA will have plenty of people available at a help desk to talk with visitors about koi and keeping them and the hobby in general.

Gavan is proud of presenting the Coffs Harbour Botanic Gardens venue.

“It’s an exciting and very beautiful venue, wonderful walks and heaps of safe space for families to relax and kids to play in, and refreshments are available of course.”

The gardens provide ample parking facilities.

“Come along, see some stunning fish close up, join the club and enjoy a wonderful hobby,” he said.

For more information phone club chairman Gavan Gribble on 0430 930 936, or Greg Collins on 0411 406 519.


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