Tilligerry Trekkers on Track

Meryl relaxing after her Tuesday trek.
Meryl relaxing after her Tuesday trek.


REMEMBER your high school history classes?

If you do, you may very well recall the epic story of The Great Trek.

This event forms part of the history of South Africa. The Dutch (Boer) settlers trekked some 650km to get away from the British.

It didn’t really work for them as it resulted in wars with Britain.

Australia, as part of the then British Empire sent a military contingent to back up Mother England.

Tilligerry has its own trekkers but they are not running away from anybody. They actually walk in circles.

Some eight years ago and working under the umbrella of the Heart Foundation, the group began to walk around the peninsula to improve their fitness.

Some chose short circuits, others went medium distance and the ultra keen did the hard yards.

They timed their runs to finish together at the same time in the RSL car park.

Today, there are two options:

On Tuesdays, at 8am, the trekkers start their walk from the RSL car park and finish back there one hour later.

Some then drive to the Lemon Tree foreshore for coffee at ‘Amalies’.

The Thursday group starts out from the Lemon Tree waterfront at 8am and an hour later returns to have coffee and a chat at ‘Amalies  or ‘brunch’ at ‘Poyer’s.’

“It’s really all about interaction with other positive forward looking people.” We also have ‘Walk Away’ days in other parts of the district,” long time trekker Meryl Kerslake said.

Put your finger on the pulse by ringing Barry Green on 04 382 03617 or Meryl on 04 474 98262.

They will give you all the details.



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