Top English Swimmer keeps workout going at Tilligerry Aquatic Centre

Lapping it up – Madai maintaining her fitness at the Tilligerry Aquatic Centre.
Lapping it up – Madai maintaining her fitness at the Tilligerry Aquatic Centre.


VISITING elite English swimmer Madai Barnaby finds the outdoor Australian pools ‘great!’

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The Brighton teenager who trains ten times weekly in two hour sessions said that all pools in England were indoors and that the feeling of being outside in Australia was liberating.

To keep at the top of her game, she was found at the Tilligerry Aquatic Centre for her daily workouts while staying with friends at Mallabula.

Madai is climbing the rankings in England for the 50m breaststroke.

“I’ve just spent two months in Fiji doing volunteer work for ‘Think Pacific’, a UK based aid group,” she said.

“Tutoring local children in literacy and numeracy was interesting and rewarding,” she added.

“I’ll spend the rest of my gap year touring the coast of Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland,” Madai said.

“After that I plan to study Chemistry or Pharmacology at University.”

Madai said that coping with the Australian Summer heat was a problem and seemed amazed that the solar heaters for the Aquatic Centre were turned off for most of the warmer months.

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