Watson focusing on crime in election lead up

One Nation supporters with State Election candidate Mark Watson campaigning in Port Stephens.

WITH the 25 March state election fast approaching, Port Stephens One Nation candidate Mark Watson is campaigning with a strong focus on crime and law enforcement.

“We have an issue of crime in Port Stephens, in some areas residents are terrified, their plea for help falls on deaf ears, we will address law and order, employ more judges and magistrates, and reform the sentencing system to bring it in line with community expectations,” Mr Watson said.

Mr Watson said One Nation will petition for a complete review on sentencing across New South Wales, strengthen bail conditions and provide better working conditions and resources for police and correctional officers.

“Police and correctional officers do an exceptionally difficult job and for that reason we will show our support for better working conditions, including new police stations and prisons, state of the art resources, better training, increased pay, and fair early separation options.

“We will strengthen bail laws to ensure community safety is the main consideration when a bail determination is made.”

The local One Nation candidate believes that while police officers are doing their best in tough conditions, the “court system is letting them down”.

“We will strengthen bail laws to ensure community safety is the main consideration when a bail determination is made,” Mr Watson said.

“Residents should not have to worry about their tyres being slashed, vehicles stolen, or their homes broken into, if you commit these crimes there should be suitable punishments and even compensation, providing a deterrent for offenders.”

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