Wild at Art: Threatened Species exhibition launches at The Art Space Urunga

‘Precious Contents’ by Judith Kirkwood.

AUSTRALIA has an unenviable record for animal extinctions.

Since European settlement we’ve lost national treasures like the Paradise Parrot, Desert Bandicoot, Toolache Wallaby and the Thylacine.

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The reasons for Australia’s terrible track record, especially with mammal extinctions, are many and complex, including loss and fragmentation of habitat, the introduction of feral species (particularly rabbits, cats and foxes), and changes to traditional fire patterns.

The team at The Art Space Urunga is interested in alerting the public to help prevent the further decline of our unique and spectacular wildlife.

The gallery’s new exhibition ‘Wild at Art: Threatened Species’ is an opportunity to inform and educate through all genres of art practice.

The exhibition is on now and runs until 6 November at The Art Space, 13 Bonville St, Urunga.

Open every day from 10am – 4pm.

The exhibition features artists from across the region, including local painter Judith Kirkwood.

Judith’s works ‘Precious contents’ and ‘Hear my call’ will feature in the exhibition, and highlight the plight of local species.

“‘Precious Contents’ pictures Squirrel Gliders in a nest box,” Judith said.

“The boxes were installed by a local ecologist because of the loss of hollow bearing trees through clearing and logging.

“This allows breeding of small animals that provide prey for other animals such as owls like the threatened Barking owl shown in my other painting, ‘Hear my call’,” said Judith.

Also included in the exhibition is ‘Nature Morte’, an acrylic ink on paper piece by Lisa Zanderigo.

“This work was my response to watching the devastating bushfires of 2019-20 with the loss of life of people, flora and fauna,” said Lisa.

“Watching the last of our forests and habitats being destroyed, it highlighted the worsening crisis we are facing with the extinction of animals, the degradation of the environment and the pollution we are failing to mitigate.

“I have chosen to highlight the threat against Honey Bees, Eastern Koalas, Murray Cods and Green Bell Frogs.

“All are in trouble and threatened with extinction.

“The title ‘Nature Morte’ is the original term in art for ‘Still Life’, however its literal translation means ‘Dead Nature’,” Lisa said.

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