Woolgoolga Red Cross farewells Jane after 40 years of making Trauma Teddies

Jane Skinner receiving some mementos of the contributions she has made to Woolgoolga Red Cross from President Carol Rowe.


MORE than 2500 Red Cross Trauma Teddies have been filled and sewn together by Jane Skinner over a 40-year contribution of stuffing and stitching the little comforters.

Jane, described by her friends at Woolgoolga Red Cross as “a wonderful Red Cross supporter” is moving back to her homeland of Scotland.

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Members and friends of Jane bade her farewell as she headed home after living in Australia for four decades.

Calling Woolgoolga her home for much of that time, she has made a huge contribution locally, supporting distressed young children – and often their parents – by joining the production line of volunteers who knit the Trauma Teddy ‘skins’.

Unanimously and good-heartedly declared the most tedious part of the process, Jane has had the role of finalising the process and completing the gorgeous, colourful and comforting teddies.

The Trauma Teddies are delivered to places and organisations such as Ambulance Stations, Police Stations, Hospitals, Doctors’ Rooms and some have even taken to the skies with the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

From there they are donated to children in need of comfort.

Many heart-warming stories surround the donations, including a large number delivered to victims of bushfires, floods and storms in our local area.

Jane was wished ‘bon voyage’ at a gathering in Woolgoolga.

Woolgoolga Red Cross Branch Patron, Robyn Rooth told News Of The Area, “Jane’s talents and commitment will be missed.

“Dear Jane, thank you from the Australian Red Cross.”




A bunch of Woolgoolga Red Cross’ Trauma Teddy family.

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