2018 Australian Senior Track Championship motocross at Eagleton, Port Stephens

Sally Smith (66) and Laura Saxon (82).
Sally Smith (66) and Laura Saxon (82).


SOME of Australia’s leading motorcycle stars are coming to the Barleigh Ranch track at Eagleton to chase honours in the 2018 Australian Senior Track Championship meeting on the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, 4 and 5 August.

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Even before entries had closed more than 100 riders had nominated, with some from as far afield as Townsville and Melbourne.

Two, three and four-wheel championship classes, as well as support classes to showcase some of Australia’s best junior riders will make up the two days of action.

The Hunter Motorcycle Club President Keith Davies is himself a former national champion and he readily acknowledges the amount of work that goes in to staging an Australian Championship meeting.

“A lot of local businesses as well as individuals have helped the club put this meeting together,” said Mr Davies.

A Woman’s class is included in the program and among the contingent of host club riders contesting the meeting will be Sally Smith (66) and Laura Saxon (82).

The Club last hosted an Australian Championship meeting in 2016 and if the action this weekend is as exciting then fans will undoubtedly enjoy a big program of thrills and excitement.

Action will get under way both days at 10.00am at the Barleigh Ranch Raceway, just off the Pacific Highway at Eagleton.

News Of The Area has two family passes to giveaway.

Simply email us telling us you’d like to go (media@newsofthearea.com.au) or go to our Facebook Page and Like Us. Either option will place you onto the draw.

Competition closes Friday 3 August 5pm. Winners notified by email or Facebook.

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