Aboriginal dance and celebration at Bulahdelah

NAIDOC week was celebrated at Bulahdelah Central School on 24 June with eating and dancing.

TJ Saunders, Mick Davidson, Matt Williams playing the didgeridoo
TJ Saunders, Mick Davidson, Matt Williams playing the didgeridoo

The students attended a workshop with Steph Callaghan – Buudja Murrung, from Karuah which involved trying many different bush foods.

The students experienced lemon myrtle leaves, pepper berries and for lunch were given the choice of crocodile wraps, and kangaroo or emu burgers.

The highlight of the day was the Aboriginal dance that was presented at a whole school assembly at 11.00 am.

The dance group was made up of the Koori students at Bulahdelah Central School and the first dance was taught to the younger members of the group by Shai Ann Howell.

This was the dance that was previously performed at the Freshwater/Saltwater Dance Camp by some of the students.

The second dance was one that was choreographed by the Koori students themselves and told the story of eagle hunting.

Casey Connell, the organising teacher of the day’s events, spoke to Myall Coast News.

“I was so proud of the Koori students and was emotional when the student body responded with such applause and respect at the end of the performance.”

The students presented the dance in traditional costume and paint.

Mick Davidson from Karuah accompanied them on the didgeridoo.

There were enthusiastic and appreciative reports of the events from both students and teachers.

On Friday 26 June there was also a formal assembly in recognition of NAIDOC week.

This involved a flag raising ceremony and a song in language performed by Bulahdelah students.

There was a morning tea served for the guests who attended.

It must be noted that these NAIDOC events at Bulahdelah Central School showed a real respect for, and allowed the students to engage with the Aboriginal culture.

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