AFLW player helps North Coast girls to kick some goals at clinic

AFLW player Cambridge McCormick and junior players.

AFLW player Cambridge McCormick has helped AFL North Coast’s girls kick some goals during the Force Girls Development Clinic at Nambucca Heads.

The group ranged from those just starting out in the sport through to established representative players, with every player learning new skills and sporting a huge smile throughout the session.

The visiting GWS Giants player was clearly impressed by both the number of girls that took part and the ability level of all present.

“I’ve been blown away by how many girls we had here at Nambucca, it’s been fantastic to see so many girls taking up footy,” she said.

“They’re so lucky to have been able to play throughout growing up and we can definitely see how fantastic their skills are because of that, so it’s been awesome.”

The session built up from core skills of the game including hand balling and kicking into small sided games where the girls had the chance to put the skills into practice.

The games also provided a great chance to learn game sense elements such as creating space, pressuring the ball carrier, and switching the point of attack, with the rate of learning being very impressive.

Cambridge said Australian Rules was the sport for any young girl, and encouraged those of the North Coast to take up the sport in 2023.

“AFL is definitely the sport that has a position for everyone, so whether you’re someone who loves to run, or whether you’re someone who loves to get physical, or you’re someone that wants to jump, there’s a position for you on the field,” she said.

“Girls who have played other sports, it’s really easy to transition across to AFL and give it a crack because there are so many different skills that are transferable.

“The best thing about footy is the team you’re in and I think we’re really lucky on the North Coast to have such amazing clubs and such strong Youth Girls programs.

“Give it a try, come down to a come and try day or training with a club, and you’ll find you absolutely love it just like I do.”

The third and final session in the Force Girls Development Clinic will be held in Sawtell on Sunday, 16 April from 10am to 12pm.

Keep an eye on AFL North Coast socials for more details.

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