Aussie Hay Runners visit Bulahdelah

Trucks laden with hay to help those in need.

TOOTING horns greeted Bulahdelah when 67 trucks laden with 2144 bales of hay from the Aussie Hay Runners rolled through town on their latest delivery run.

Having come from all over regional Victoria and mustering at Marulan in the Southern Highlands, the intrepid drivers stopped at Bulahdelah for a much-needed lunch break provided by Bulahdelah Lions Club in over 40 degree temperatures on Australia Day.

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The drivers were on their way to deliver bales to Grafton, where farmers have experienced significant impacts from recent flood and fire events.

“With the floods and fires our Lions Club picked up the project of giving the farmers a helping hand,” Project Assistant Chief Ray Akens said.

Aussie Hay Runners say there are many other areas desperate for the organisation’s help, and the logistics team are working hard planning and scheduling more runs.

“Even though it was a stinker of a day, with it being 43 degrees in the shade, it didn’t stop people coming out to show their support,” an Aussie Hay Runners spokesperson said.

“We have to make special mention of the Bulahdelah community who really turned it on for us, lining the streets as we arrived and left.

“The drivers were all very chuffed.

“A big thanks to Judy and her hardworking team at the Bulahdelah Lions Club who continually support us, always making us welcome, looking after us, making sure our crew are fed, watered and rested.

A run to Walgett is scheduled this week and another run to Grafton is planned for the near future.

More information about their runs and how you can be involved is available on the Aussie Hay Runners Facebook page.


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