Australian first for ‘Maz and Bricks’ in Bellingen

Amy Bradney-George and Seton Pollock will produce and star in the Australian premiere of ‘Maz and Bricks’. Photo: supplied by Amy Bradney-George.

AMY Bradney-George grew up in Bellingen and has returned with a goal to produce professional, dramatic works.

“Bellingen is my home and nurtured my creativity, so it’s full circle to come back after years of performing all over the place,” she said.

Amy and her husband, Seton Pollock, will produce and star in the Australian premiere of Irish play ‘Maz and Bricks’ by Eva O’Connor.

The play is also the first local production of their company, Et Tu Theatre, after moving from Melbourne.

The pair were drawn to the humour and heartfelt honesty of O’Connor’s play, which follows two very different people over the course of a day in Dublin.

“I first heard of Eva O’Connor in 2017, when Ireland was debating whether to legalise abortions,” Ms Bradney-George said.

“I saw a spoken word poem by her online and it moved me so much I had to find out who she was.”

That ultimately led her to ‘Maz and Bricks’, which she shared with Mr Pollock.

“This play is alive with a sense of truth,” he said.

“It deals with some big themes but it’s also really playful at times.

“It’s like nothing Amy and I have done together before.”

Maz and Bricks will premiere in the studio performance space at the newly-refurbished Bellingen Memorial Hall, with a season that runs from 29 September to 8 October.

Playwright and performer Eva O’Connor said, “I am delighted that Et Tu Theatre is staging Maz and Bricks.

“It’s a real thrill to know that this messy, complex love story is being told again by such a brilliant collective of artists.

“When it was first performed in Dublin I never imagined the play would make it all the way to Australia – I only wish I could be there to see it staged.”

Local creative Sean Bradney-George is directing his sister and brother-in-law.

“It’s also a joy to work with my brother on something creative at a professional level,” Ms Bradney-George said.

“He really gets Maz and Bricks.”

The production will run from September 29 until October 8 from 7:30pm each night, with a preview on Thursday, September 28 and 4pm sessions on Sunday and the Monday public holiday.

Tickets are $25 and $30 and can be obtained by following the links at

By Andrew VIVIAN

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