Coffs Coast life coach to present on Communicating with Confidence

Danni Auch will run the Communicating with Confidence session.

DO you feel uncomfortable when you are asked to speak in public?

Then be part of the Professional and Personal Development Series hosted by Business and Professional Women’s (BPW) Coffs Coast on Tuesday 20 June, during which Danni Auch will present on ‘Communicating with Confidence’.

Danni works as a therapist and ‘Confidence Coach’ in Bonville, and assists people to improve their public speaking.

A member of Toastmasters for many years, Danni has since created a new club called Jetty Speakers.

Danni’s passion is to empower people and help them reach their desired goals in life.

“I love public speaking with all its challenges, and I am looking forward to helping more people to become confident presenters,” she said.

BPW Coffs Coast is part of the National Federation of Business and Professional Women of Australia.

The group’s objective is to provide mentoring for women at work or who aspire to work.

Operating in Coffs Harbour for over 50 years, BPW Coffs Coast has provided scholarships for secondary and tertiary students, personal and professional education, and mentoring to assist women to reach their goals.

As part of an international organisation, they also advocate for reforms to assist and empower women locally, nationally and globally.

The evening session will be informal and interactive, allowing time for participants to discuss their needs in a friendly and supportive environment.

The session will be held at the Cellar Bar, Pier Hotel from 6pm on Tuesday 20 June.

To find out more and to book, email President Debbie Petlueng at and find the event on Eventbrite.


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