Coffs Harbour and District Golden Oldies cricket club welcomes new members

The team at Phillip Hughes Oval, Macksville.


THE Coffs Harbour and District Golden Oldies cricket club are up and running for the season, and the club welcomes new members.

The Club originally began for people over 60, and owing to increasing numbers there is now a 50+ team as well.

Noel Chapman, Secretary, said that the Club is “giving more senior people the opportunity to get up, get active and come and play together”.

Training runs throughout the entire year.

Grahame Doust, Regional Coordinator, said, “We are all passionate about cricket, and the Golden Oldies give us a chance to keep playing.

“It’s a great way to participate in a team sport.

“We train, we play and we get together for a chat and drink after the game.

“The team becomes a bit of a support network, a men’s shed.”

Noel said, “We are playing to win, but most importantly we are playing to enjoy.”

Grahame told News Of The Area that initially he was playing for Port Macquarie, but as more players were travelling down there to play from Coffs harbour and surrounding districts the decision was made to form the Coffs Harbour and District Golden Oldies.

“It’s a great game.

“Playing it now keeps you fit, helps with your physical and mental health.

“Being part of the Club means that if you do get an injury you get yourself better because you want to get back to playing with the team.”

Noel added, “As you get older there are a lot of injuries that pop up, but you play to your ability.”

Some of the team members are long term players, whereas others have not played for decades but have come back to the sport.

Club Captain Laurie Newland retired from outdoor cricket in his 30s and said rejoining cricket again as an older player was very enjoyable.

“You play with your mates and have a great time.”

John Leahy has played cricket since he was 10, including playing for NSW over 60s and coaching Phillip Hughes’ brother Jason.

John has never missed a season.

John said, “I love the mateship of the game, and the camaraderie is fantastic.”

There is the local competition, state competition, national competition and also the opportunity to play cricket overseas.

Countries that have been played in by some team members as part of the Golden Oldies Festival include Barbados, South Africa and England.

Training is on a Wednesday and Friday at Richardson Park, Sawtell, 1pm – 3pm.

Contact Secretary Noel Chapman for information on 0420935492.



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