Coffs Harbour lady golfers’ gala day raises funds for local CWA

Vivian Gayford, Treasurer of the Coffs Harbour Golf Club’s Ladies Committee, handing over a cheque for $1,132 to Susan Irving, Treasurer of CWA Coffs Harbour Branch, with Greer Galloway, Ladies President, Coffs Harbour Golf Club and Jodie Williams, President, CWA Coffs Harbour Branch.

THE Coffs Harbour Branch of the Country Women’s Association (CWA) of NSW have received a grand donation amounting to $1,700 through fundraising efforts from the Coffs Harbour Golf Club’s Ladies Committee.

Every year the Ladies Golfing Committee holds a gala day to fundraise for a local charity focusing their work on women and children in our local community.

They run a raffle and have a huge day of golfing.

This year for the gala on Wednesday 14 June, 104 ladies were on the course.

Ladies President Greer Galloway explained that every year the committee chooses a local non-for-profit charity to support.

Most members knew of the CWA but were unsure of what they really do.

“After a little of our own research and a presentation from Coffs Harbour Branch Vice-President Roslyn Hopwood, the members realised what unsung heroes these ladies are, going about their charity work without any fanfare and do so much for our community that we wanted to support them,” Greer told News Of The Area.

“Women supporting women is so important and seems to have been a big part of the CWA mandate since its inception in 1922.”

CWA Coffs Harbour President Jodie Williams told NOTA what a huge honour it was to be chosen as the lucky recipients this year.

“The lady golfers were so incredibly generous with their time and money.

“Apart from the main donation of $1,132 from their raffle, we were invited to set up a trading table with our home-made jams, pickles, chutneys and handicrafts.

“The jams and pickles were a sellout, with many knitted items bought, especially beanies for that frosty early morning tee-off on tournament days,” she said.

Just over $600 was spent on the trading table, bringing the total to $1,700.

“The branch is blown away by such generosity and can not thank Greer and her committee enough for thinking of us.”

The donation will go to back into the local community through CWA Coffs Harbour Branch’s various projects.


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