Doris Cowan debuts autobiography on life with anorexia

Doris Cowan, who almost lost her life through anorexia, has written a book entitled ‘My Passion Became My Obsession’ to help other sufferers of the eating disorder.

DORIS Cowan, well-known as a fundraiser for the homeless across Coffs Harbour, has just published her first book, ‘My Passion Became My Obsession’, an autobiographical account that she has wanted to share since her first three-month long admission to an eating disorder clinic in 2015.

However, until she recovered from anorexia, she was unable to understand the cause of her illness which she now knows is a mental disorder.

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She believes the cause of her eating disorder was the traumatic event of watching her father suffer with cancer and finally losing the battle after seven years.

His loss devastated Doris who had a special, “unbreakable” bond with her dad.

“My book takes readers on my eight-year journey with anorexia which started with exercise as a coping mechanism to avoid dealing with the emotional pain of loss; without my dad’s wisdom and guidance I was lost,” said Doris.

As a result of having anorexia, Doris got severe depression and even attempted suicide.

“Once I was in the mental health system my whole life consisted of doctor’s appointments, blood tests, scans, x-rays, hospital admissions and constant judgement,” she said.

Doris’ first recovery was followed by many relapses over a number of years, and it was not until early 2021 when she felt fully recovered and happy with herself and her life that she was able to commit to writing.

“I made an accountable goal on social media that I would write my book by the end of 2021 and have it published by December 2022.

“While the writing proved to be a cathartic psychological release of emotions, the whole process of publishing the book was an emotional roller coaster as I needed permission from all mentioned in my journey and this was not possible in every case as some family members still do not want me in their lives as a result of my behaviours while having anorexia.

“My daughter did not want any mention in the book due to the mental trauma I caused her over the years.

“This hit me hard and I was almost not going to go ahead with the publication, yet I owed it to others to hopefully prevent them going through what myself and my loved ones endured.”

Now healthy, Doris’ life is full of fun social events and helping others live the best life that they can.

“Although my journey was difficult, I truly believe that I had to go through it to be able to find my purpose in life of helping others less fortunate than myself.”

While awaiting the publication process, Doris spoke to many people who either had experienced an eating disorder or who knew of someone going through this horrible disorder.

“The day I received the final copy from my publisher I immediately shared it with someone who is suffering and had reached out for help.

“Her response to my book was overwhelming, telling me how much she resonated with my story and how grateful she was to read it.

“I was in tears of both sadness and joy to know that my book has already started to help let others know they are not alone, and recovery is possible.”

Doris is now taking the book to the ‘at risk’ population and to those trying to win their battle against eating disorders.

“(I am) showing them that I am living proof that recovery is possible, even with all odds against you.”

Contact Doris to find out how to get the book, by emailing

Doris now works as an Activities Officer Activities Officer in Memory Support at St Joseph’s Catholic Care, she is owner/founder of “Get Up And Go Fitness” Personal Training and the founder of 3R’S Homeless Shelter project in Coffs Harbour.


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