Elderly driver grateful for community support after breakdown

SES member Levi is happy to help anyone in need.

WHEN 83-year-old John McDonald was unable to restart his 4WD after stalling at a roundabout on the way to Millers Forest, he hopped out of the vehicle to give it a good old fashioned push.

As luck would have it, Levi, a nineteen-year-old member of the Port Stephens SES, was driving home from work when he came across John, clearly in need of some help.

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Straining to get the car off the road, and hoping that more passersby would come to his aid, John had his faith in humanity rewarded when two women, returning from their weekly shop, pulled over to lend a hand.

With traffic beginning to back up, the women assisted John to push the car to clear the road.

In the process of moving the vehicle however, John injured his legs.

Levi, who has received formal first aid training through the SES, jumped into action, taking his personal first aid kit over to the driver to help.

Tending to the injuries, Levi used saline to clean the wounds from dirt that had become stuck, and checked John for any other injuries.

Levi and the two female helpers all stayed and supported John until Ambulance crews arrived, who transported him to John Hunter Hospital from the new Medowie Ambulance station.

John McDonald told News Of The Area, “The women were wonderful – I am so happy to think that the Australian way isn’t dead.

“We chatted while waiting for the Ambulance and they were like old friends.

“I would like to thank them for being conscientious and for helping out – I appreciate their help tremendously.”

John was impressed that the ladies stopped to lend a hand despite needing to get home to meet their children after school.

John’s faith in humanity has been restored and he hopes that in future more men will follow the example of the women and the young man from the SES who helped him out.


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