From the Mayor’s Desk with City of Coffs Harbour Mayor Cr Paul Amos

SO – the Jetty Foreshores.

Why is it so important?

Because this decision is now or never.

We all want the area improved, but what is being proposed by the State Government takes it in the wrong direction and it will be lost forever.

If the land is rezoned and sold, we will not get it back – the opportunity is gone for good.

The solution is quite simple – the land should be handed back to the City of Coffs Harbour community to be improved as we all see fit.

This comes at a time when $1.6 billion is being spent on fifteen councils in Western Sydney for just this purpose on a scheme called Westinvest.

According to the government website, Westinvest is about funding “transformational infrastructure projects that will enhance communities throughout Western Sydney. These projects will improve the liveability of communities and support economic recovery, making a real difference to the quality of life” in those areas.

For example, the people of Blacktown are being given $300 million, Canterbury $62 million and Parramatta $240 million.

You can find out more here –

But they are not being asked to sell anything to achieve this enhanced open space and recreational infrastructure.
Our Foreshores land – as currently zoned – is worth less than $7 million, the City has had it valued.

This is a piddling amount in the scheme of things compared to the money being splashed about at the moment by the State Government.

The State Government, we know, has already spent at least another $3.25 million on creating another variation of a “vision” for the Foreshores that our community continually rejects.

What I’m saying is that we deserve the same consideration as our Sydney counterparts.

We also want parklands that all the community can enjoy with dignity and pride.

Consistently, people have said that they do not want imposingly high, private, permanent residential development east of the railway line.

People say they want easy access and adequate parking – free parking. People want buildings that join the parklands, but do not dominate the park scape or the ocean scenery, and they want fun and exciting things at the waterfront.

People want the opportunity to share in this magnificent area and share it with our visitors.

They want to showcase our City – but they don’t want to give it away.

We need this space for the City and community to grow into.

By Cr Paul Amos, Mayor, City of Coffs Harbour

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