Greens candidate Julie Lyford wanting to hear concerns, issues and ideas

Even with a blackout across the region, pouring rain and thunder claps, 62 residents attended a candlelit community conversation with Greens candidate for Lyne Julie Lyford.

Also present at the meeting was Michael Osborne the Newcastle Greens councillor and Greens Senate candidate for NSW.

Robust questions on employment, water issues, federal grants for infrastructure and roads, senate reform and voting rights, penalty rates, council amalgamations and refugee policy were

 Judith Pickett (Barrington Tops Greens Convenor), Julie Lyford (Greens candidate for Lyne), Sue Kingston (Secretary, Lyford for Lyne campaign team).
Judith Pickett (Barrington Tops Greens Convenor), Julie Lyford (Greens candidate for Lyne), Sue Kingston (Secretary, Lyford for Lyne campaign team).

high on the agenda.

Ms Lyford told News Of The Area, “We will be visiting communities in the electorate to hear your issues, concerns and ideas for sustainable and liveable futures.”

The recent meeting was the launch of the Greens ‘Conversations of Change’ campaign.

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