Happy Little Yogis: Medowie Children Learn Yoga Techniques

Rolling up the yoga map, Isabelle (left) and Cora.
Rolling up the yoga map, Isabelle (left) and Cora.

Yoga began as a religious ritual in Northern India in ancient times and is practised by followers of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

In more recent times, yoga has become a popular and mainstream activities that many people participate in for physical and mindfulness benefits.

Ms Aimee Angelique teaches children’s yoga in Medowie and believes that it has something to offer everyone, including the youngest members of the community.

Ms Angelique told Medowie News Of The Area, “Yoga has changed my life and has been a source of great joy and nourishment for my children.”

When asked at what age a child could begin yoga, Ms Angelique replied, “The earlier we get on the mat, the better.”

“The benefits of yoga for children are abundant.”

Kate Washington

Amongst her identified benefits, some include: encouragement of mindfulness in daily life, demonstrating strategies for slowing down and unwinding, and socialising with other children and families.

In understanding the benefits of yoga, Ms Angelique created Medowie’s own Happy Little Yogis for children aged 18 months and older.

Ms Angelique told Medowie News Of The Area, “The classes are physically energetic and animated to begin, incorporating exciting elements of music, dance, drama and lots of active imagination.”

Ms Angelique is adamant that yoga is not just for adults and encourages younger Medowie residents to try out the yoga classes.

For more information go to www.aimeeangelique.com, phone 0421 853 126, or email aimee@aimeeangelique.com

Photos courtesy of Averil Crebbin from Picture The Moment Photography.


Cora crawls underneath yoga instructor, Aimee Angelique, in a downward facing dog tunnel routine.
Cora crawls underneath yoga instructor, Aimee Angelique, in a downward facing dog tunnel routine.


Group photo of yogis and their parents (l-r), Aimee Angelique, Isabelle, Marley, Kirsten, Lilli, Lorraine, Faith, Alan, Candice, Emme, Teilah, Cora and Neave
Group photo of yogis and their parents (l-r), Aimee Angelique,
Isabelle, Marley, Kirsten, Lilli, Lorraine, Faith, Alan, Candice, Emme, Teilah,
Cora and Neave

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