Karuah Men’s Bowling Club consistency singles

Bragging rites and pocket money go to Peter Cairnes and Dave Benson winners of last Thursdays social comp.
Bragging rites and pocket money go to Peter Cairnes and Dave Benson winners of last Thursdays social comp.

Karuah Men’s Bowling Club

WHILE Karuah’s very consistent ladies are tied up playing their “consistency singles” this month, the men are now engaged in playing in the District 3 bowls triples competition, known as the 3 X 3’s.

Karuah Men have two squads this year with a team in Grade 2 and another in Grade 3.

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The 3 x 3’s competitions are played on Wednesday afternoons by 3 teams of 3 players in each squad with each player playing 3 bowls per end.  In the first round played on the 31 August the Karuah Grade 2 team had a comfortable Squad win (each team score contributes to the overall squad result).

The Grade 3 team were away at Teralba and on an unfamiliar matting surface, in intermittent wind and rainy squalls were defeated by the home squad by 1 shot over 54 ends.

In a 2 loss knockout format, they have 1 more chance and will play again on Wednesday the 7September at home.

Being a member of a team and a squad is one of the joys of lawn bowls!

While our game isn’t as physical as that played by our Karuah Kangaroos Rugby League Team (Go The Roos), we flatter ourselves that team play and mateship, knowing your role in the team and doing your best for your side and club is just the same.

We reckon that our sport is just as enjoyable as we remember competition being back in our earlier, fitter sporting days.

The good weather breaks and arrival of Spring has allowed social and training days to continue and even though fun and social, competition winners do come away with a few dollars as well as bragging rites.

Karuah’s great grass green is bearing up to the traffic magnificently and playing extremely well.

If you want to see great comp bowls, come down to the club on Wednesday afternoons and watch the 3 x 3s from the comfort of the veranda.

If you would like to play or an intro to the game and some free instruction, drop by Tuesday or Thursday mornings, or for free breakfast and a game Sunday mornings.  See you at Karuah.


By Trevor DAVIES


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