Let’s Thank Our Carers – National Carers Week 16 – 23 October 2022

Carers Rachel White and Rosemary Porter are among the wonderful carers making sacrifices in their lives to look after the wellbeing of the most vulnerable in our community.

AUSTRALIA owes a great debt of gratitude to the carers who dedicate much of their lives to looking after the wellbeing of the most vulnerable of us.

To recognise and celebrate the outstanding contribution carers make to our country, 16-23 October has been designated as National Carers Week.

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The week is intended as a time to recognise and celebrate the 2.65 million Australians who make an outstanding contribution as family and friend carers.

This week News Of The Area spoke with two carers, Rachel White and Rosemary Porter, about being a carer.

Rachel is a carer for a 66-year-old man who’s medical conditions require that he be under constant care and is dedicated to being his carer for the rest of his life.

Although Rachel cares for this man over very long hours, she does not complain and said, “I consider it to be an honour to care for others and give back to others who have given so much.”

Carer Rosemary Porter told News Of The Area, “I moved up here from Campbelltown, leaving my husband behind, to care full time for my parents in Macksville.”

Rosemary added, “My Dad has now passed away, however I stay here to look after Mum as I made this promise to her many years ago.”

While both Rosemary and Rachel consider caring to be a role they are proud to do, they concur that Government processes and red tape do not make life any easier for carers.

They pointed out that there is no central information resource or authority when it comes to supporting carers and many of the nation’s carers work day in day out without any financial assistance due to the difficulty in compiling documentation and meeting complex criteria requirements.

Coordinator of the Nambucca Heads based Support Group for Our Everlasting Carers, Bev Reedy, told News Of The Area, “Most carers desperately need some respite and to be able to talk with like minded people in similar situations.

“With the assistance of a grant from Carers NSW, support from Zeny’s Photo Studio in Nambucca Heads and Port Adventure Cruises in Port Macquarie we have been able to arrange some respite care and will take a number of carers on a relaxing cruise at Port Macquarie during Carers Week.”

To mark National Carers Week the Nambucca Plaza will be hosting a special day on Thursday 20 October.

The day will include an official opening by Mayor Rhonda Hoban, dancing by local school children and much more.

Popular local performer Barry Noble will MC the National Carers Week event at the Nambucca Plaza.


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