LETTER TO THE EDITOR: A chilly public welcome to beautiful Nambucca

DEAR News Of The Area,

THE only true statement in Di Nicholson’s Letter to the Editor (‘Development at 3 High Street, Nambucca’, NOTA 12/5/25 Edition) is her apt description of Hill St, being “a dirt lane, overgrown with weeds. Not maintained at all.”

The rest is nonsense.

Yes, as a new resident of Hill St, friends frequently pop in, my extensive family and colleagues visit – one and all marvel at abundant views of Nambucca’s glorious coastline.

It has taken a moment to get accustomed to what sometimes can be streams of pedestrians on Hill St, quietly (or not so quietly) walking or pedalling by.

Over the last year I’ve learned that this little road, Hill St, functions as a laneway for the community, as well as my own driveway.

Families and kids on their way to and from school, exercising or walking to the bus stop, taking a short cut to avoid the last steep measure of High St.

Holiday makers heading to and from the V-Wall, tennis courts, cafes etc.

During school holidays I frequently hear groups of cheeky children barrelling along up and down Hill St (ears of a professional classical musician).

I’m genuinely concerned at seeing kids playing on the precariously unstable mound above the landslip which is steep and has no barrier, which in my view is hazardous.

When it rains, water flowing from Ridge St, from Hill St, and also from High St, is being piped directly into the ever-worsening landslip.

The slip remains in urgent need of stormwater redirection and remediation.

Hoping this is resolved asap, and without personal attack.

At least before my beloved granddaughter is taking her first steps on Hill Street, or anyone else’s child or grandchild for that matter.

Nicola LEWIS,
Nambucca Heads.

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