Libraries in Forster and Tea Gardens exciting holiday fun

Great Lakes Libraries in Forster and Tea Gardens will be offering visitors some exotic and exciting holiday activities this July.African Drum

Enjoy a taste of India at Tea Gardens library on Friday 3rd July 2.30- 3.30pm. This free event aims to stimulate the creative juices with a variety of Indian craft activities.

Library Outreach services Officer, Meredith Campbell said, “A dose of colourful Indian culture is just the thing to warm you up in the winter months. This event will inspire people and give them a chance to try their hand at creating some beautiful Indian craftwork.”

The libraries will also be filled with the evocative sounds of Africa when visitors are invited to take part in ‘Earthen Rhythms’, an African Drumming Workshop.

Forster –  Monday 6 July at 10:30am to 11:30am.  Tea Gardens – Monday 6 July – 2.30pm to 3.30pm.

The cost of the workshops is only $5.00.

“This is set to be a magical and rhythmic experience. Those taking part can discover a new passion or create a lifetime memory,” said Ms Campbell.

The Earthen Rhythms people say: ‘Come and see what everyone is talking about! Get your rhythm started with this fantastic drumming class. Even if you don’t think you’ve got the rhythm we’ll show you that it’s there. It’s energetic, playful, fun, uplifting, soulful & rhythmical workshops to learn the African djembe drum.

Then on Wednesday 8 July from 10:00am until 1:00pm Melanie Lee -The Creative Kind will help you unleash your creative spirit with a story telling and story writing workshop. This fantastic opportunity of a 3 hour workshop is only $10:00.

Presenter Melanie Lee said, “People are empowered by raising their awareness of their voice and their right to speak up and speak out! When we are equipped with the knowledge that we have the power to effect positive change in our world we can do amazing things.

“The story telling and creating workshop is available for both children and adults, and provides a space where everyone is free to create, tell and share their own stories.”

There are limited spaces so please book for both activities by phoning the libraries. (Forster – 6591 7256 Tea Gardens – 4997 1265) or simply by calling in.

Morning tea will be provided for both activities.

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