Lions Club of Nambucca Donates Defib machine to Frank Partridge VC Public School

Lion Peter O’Neill (Right), President Rod Snart (Centre) and Lion Bill Shepherd (Left) with students from FPVC Public School. Photo: Nambucca Lions.


THE Lions Club of Nambucca Heads has presented Frank Partridge VC Public School with a defibrillator.

The Lions Club views the donation as an opportunity to invest in the safety of the students, staff and community at the school.

Cardiac arrest occurs across the age range of the population.

According to NSW Health more than 8500 people in NSW experience a cardiac arrest outside of hospital each year, and every minute that passes after a person has a cardiac arrest impacts on their chance of survival.

Calling 000, giving CPR and providing defibrillation shock are the best ways to assist when someone has experienced a cardiac arrest.

The Lions Club told News Of The Area that the defibrillator purchased is one that is highly recommended, with the automated instructions allowing whoever is using the small portable device to quickly assist with countering the effects of a cardiac arrest.

Mr Bill Shepherd, Nambucca Lions Club Secretary, told News Of The Area that the school asked for the assistance.

“FPVC Public School was considered to have a whole of community approach and the need for this machine was considered a necessity.”

School representatives thanked the Lions Club at the presentation.

Mr Shepherd said, “The Principal and her staff were very grateful for the donation.

“The School Captain also gave a small speech thanking us and assuring that the Defib would be a valuable asset to the school community.”

NSW Health advises that anyone can use a defibrillator, as they have verbal and visual instructions to guide the user.

It is not possible to hurt someone when using a defibrillator, and it will only shock a person who is in cardiac arrest.




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