Long-belated ANZAC time capsule and mural board unveiled at Tea Gardens ANZAC Park

Unveiling the stone over the time capsule were (L-R) Reverend Richard Goscombe, Georgia Mason, Kevin McInerney, Mal Motum, Sue Estens, the TGPS Principal in 2009 and Jen Nicholls.

MEMORIES and history of the local area, and its veterans, were sealed underground before the Time Capsule and Mural Explanatory Photo Board were officially unveiled at ANZAC Park, Tea Gardens, on Sunday, 23 April.

This unveiling was many years in the making, originally planned for 2018’s centenary of the end of WWI, but delayed by COVID.

With the time capsule interred beneath sandstone the day before, speakers at the unveiling included locally-based Anglican Reverend Richard Goscombe, RSL sub-Branch Secretary Jennefer Ross-Henry, local artist Jen Nicholls, and the RSL’s Geoff Mason and Kevin McInherney.

“The capsule contains news, photos and history of the park, the Sub-Branch and Ladies Auxiliary, with 120 bolsa crosses decorated by students a few years ago,” Tea Gardens RSL sub-Branch’s Terry Munright told NOTA.

“The Committee worked eight hours a day for months to collect it all.”

Kevin McInherney, Chairman of the Capsule’s organising committee, thanked Margaret Munright, Lois McShane, Annette Taylor and Jennefer Ross-Henry, the originator of the idea.

“This Mural and capsule remind us of the importance of respecting those that came before us, if not, the failures of history will repeat themselves,” Rev. Goscombe pronounced, encouraged by the initiative behind it.

“The Mural on Myall Riverside Art Walk was a collaborative effort between artists, the RSL, students and teachers that we are intensely proud of, a deeply personal history lesson for all involved,” Ms Nicholls shared.

Ms Ross-Henry thanked local resident Jock Williams for repairing the ‘disgusting’ vandalism committed last year, and thanked Shona and Glen Henry for donating the Explanation Photo Board, stating, “We hope this will prevent further damage.”

Sub-Branch Secretary Geoff Mason, one veteran involved in the 2009 students’ mural, said, “The kids’ interpretation of the veterans’ stories is important and should remain for all.”

Kevin McInerney thanked all who attended the unveiling, as well as the local nursery for donating the sandstone block under which the Capsule will hibernate for 50 years, to be opened on ANZAC Day, 2073.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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