Lunar eclipse over Port Stephens

1. The lunar eclipse captured by Port Stephens photographer Stephen Keating.

PHOTOGRAPHS of the lunar eclipse filled the pages of social media on November 8 but there were none quite as breathtaking as the images captured by Port Stephens photographer Stephen Keating.

Mr Keating regularly shares images of our beautiful blue water paradise through various Facebook community pages, but no one was prepared for the beauty that was seen through his time lapse photographs as the lunar eclipse crossed Tomaree Headlands between 7pm and midnight.

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“I had two weeks to prep for the lunar eclipse and in order to have the perfect focal point, Tomaree Headland and the moon, I had to be at least 1.4 kms away,” Mr Keating told News Of The Area.

“Gan Gan Lookout was the obvious choice to capture the timelapse images,” Mr Keating said.

Mr Keating has been a resident of Corlette for the past thirteen years.

After a long and successful career in television and an addiction to alcohol, Mr Keating moved to Corlette where he took up photography to help keep him focused and on track.

He owes his success to his Mum for buying him his first camera, for being his greatest critic and for always encouraging his passion for photography.

Recently, Stephen put his captured images onto splashbacks and glass panels.

The demand for his images soon flourished with the Tomaree Hospital reception area now hosting a 20 ft long image on glass.

“If you can make a living out of something you love doing, you will never have to work a day in your life and I am thankful I can now do that,” Mr Keating said.

27 November 2022 marks eleven years that Stephen has been alcohol free, owing the man he is today and his gift of photography to his beautiful Mum, Shirley.

Mr Keating was diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2019 and during this time his Mum passed away suddenly after suffering a heart attack.

Stephen now lives his life in honor to his Mother and hopes to inspire people by his life’s testimony.

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