Medowie teenager victorious in Hawaii for global cheerleading event

CHAMPION CHEERLEADER: Georgia Almond holding her Grand Champion cheerleading trophy.
CHAMPION CHEERLEADER: Georgia Almond holding her Grand Champion cheerleading trophy.

MENTION the topic ‘Sport in America’ and it’s highly likely the conversation will eventually circle onto cheerleading.

As iconic to American sport as the games of gridiron and basketball, cheerleading has become as much a feature of the US sporting experience as the games themselves.

Yet one Medowie teenager has been taking on the Americans at their own game and been teaching them a thing or two in the process.

CHEERLEADER: Georgia Almond being held aloft by her team.
CHEERLEADER: Georgia Almond being held aloft by her team.

Georgia Almond, a year 7 student at Irrawang High School, recently returned from the Global Dance and Cheer Games, held between 10-13 June in Hawaii.

As part of the 50-person squad from MC Planet Warabrook Dance in Newcastle, the 12 year old was an integral part of the group’s performance, competing in two levels – junior and senior.

In the level 1 category, for up to 14 year olds, Georgia’s squad of 28 were crowned GRAND CHAMPIONS, whilst placingsecond in the Level 2 category, for under 18 year olds.

The decisive margin was a mere 0.4 of a point.

Georgia has been dancing for six years, adding cheer leading to her repertoire three years ago.

The Global Dance and Cheer Games saw teams from New Zealand, USA, Japan, China, Mexico and Australia, compete in the invitation-only event across the three days.

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