MidCoast Council Open to Public Input on Playspaces and Skate Park Strategies

Tea Gardens Skate Park is ready for upgrades, and needs your voice.

MAJOR MidCoast Council strategies are on public display, ready for your input on some significant long-term strategic planning, open until 2 November.

Two Strategies, Playspaces and Skate Parks, are currently on display at Council’s ‘Have Your Say’ website, and will outline the region’s playgrounds and skateparks over the next twelve years.

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“They will be used as a tool to attract funding for upgrades and replacements,” explained Amanda Hatton, Council’s Manager of Strategy and Projects.

Much funding has come from grants from higher levels of government, the successful applications for which have been the focus of ceaseless efforts by the Hawks Nest Tea Gardens Progress Association (HNTGPA).

HNTGPA grant-associated projects have recently included the installation of outdoor exercise equipment at Providence Bay Park, new vandal-proof lights at the Skate Park and Lions Park, and several beautifications around HNTG, to name a few.

The Playspace Strategy focuses on the future of the 79 playgrounds in the MidCoast region, and the Skate Park Strategy looks at the fifteen skate parks across the MidCoast, with Council’s central aim being to improve accessibility, assessment of the locations, size and type, and maintenance of the parks and spaces.

“The strategy outlines our plans to construct two new skate parks, upgrade a number and remove several that are not delivering value for the community,” added Ms Hatton.

“The vision for our skateparks is that all our youth have access to skate facilities that meet their needs and enhance their active lifestyles.”

“We want our skateparks to be contemporary, innovative, imaginative, inclusive, socially engaging, appropriately located, equitably distributed and able to be sustainably managed.”

“The draft Skatepark Strategy includes a brand new one- regional level – for us at Providence Park, planned local upgrades to where our kids, grandkids, and big kids play, please show positive ‘squeaky wheel’ support by 2 November,” a HNTGPA spokesperson said.

To share your feedback on the draft strategies, head to https://haveyoursay.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/projects before 2 November.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

The recently updated sandstone retaining wall at the park overlooking Bennetts Beach at Hawks Nest.

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