MP Pat Conaghan answers Questions in Macksville

‘Forrest of the Fallen’ display at the Macksville Senior Citizens Hall.

SCORES of people gathered at Macksville Senior Citizens Hall on Sunday July 23 for a showdown.

At 2pm sharp about 50 people converged at the hall for a question-and-answer session with MP Pat Conaghan.

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That the event had been organised by Reignite Democracy Australia, a group that describes itself as “creating a collective voice through initiatives and campaigns” made for tension in the hall.

“I will not agree with all you say,” Mr Conaghan told the gathering, “but I’m here to answer relevant questions”.

Though the title ‘Macksville Matters’ was depicted on the flyers, wider issues were discussed, and Mr Conaghan stood fast.

Sixteen wide-ranging questions followed, in relation to Australia’s involvement with the World Health Organisation, COVID death rates, ‘queer sex’ in our libraries, migrant imports, the Reserve Bank’s lack of influence, and homelessness in our supposedly-secure society.

“Social anarchy will not work,” Mr Conaghan told the audience.

Most attendees carried an emblem, signifying a lost or suffering individual, an ongoing anguish they attribute to Australia’s regime of vaccinations.

The embedded conundrum of a ‘cashless society’ was loosely discussed, without much fuss, though it does seem to be an issue widely discussed within this community.

Mr Conahan said he believed there should be a government inquiry about how Australia reacts in the face of another pandemic.

“I believe we should have a government enquiry that looks at how we, as a community, react and respond in the advent of recurring situations,” he said.

Though there were some lively interjections from the audience, most issues were addressed respectfully.


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