Multipurpose Medical Centre proposed for Bulahdelah

An attentive crowd at the community gathering.

A TOWN meeting was called recently to discuss the possibility of developing a Multipurpose Medical Centre in Bulahdelah.

The concept was met with a great response from the community, with the Bulahdelah School of Arts packed with locals eager to improve medical services not only in Bulahdelah, but the wider area it may serve.

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Since the closure of the hospital a few years ago and the recent closure of Cedar Wharf Lodge Nursing home, the community has been left lacking in emergency, respite and palliative care and locals believe a multipurpose medical centre would fill the gaps in medical provision.

For many seeking medical care this means travelling a considerable distance to either Manning Base or John Hunter hospitals for emergency treatment.

With the MidCoast LGA amongst the oldest demographics in NSW, this distance presents a challenge for patients and their families who have to allocate time, energy and expense to attend to health needs.

Ann-Marie Barry, spokesperson for the Bulahdelah Area Health Action Group said, “A multipurpose (centre) is the best fit for our community.

“It’s the best way to bring back hospital facilities, after-hours services and aged care.

“We are not asking for any more than we already had,” said Ms Barry.

“It has become a real option for us.

“It will not only serve our community but also all the areas around us that currently lack medical and hospital services.

“It will take the pressure off larger hospitals and will provide safe health services to our wider community,” said Ms Barry.

The proposal was overwhelmingly supported by the crowd present, and a committee was formed at the meeting to drive the process forward.

Eddies Wood from the Manning Great Lakes Area Health Action Group, who chaired the meeting, said, “It is going to take many years to make this happen but we would encourage all of you to support us on this journey.”

A petition is being circulated throughout the area and locals are being encouraged to sign in support of providing a Multipurpose Medical Centre to serve the southern area of the MidCoast LGA.


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