Myall U3A Photography Group explores topic of Holidays

‘Lioness Eyes’ by Paul Mulvaney.

EACH month a photograph is selected at the Myall U3A Photography Group’s meeting to be printed in News Of The Area.

The September photo is called ‘Lioness Eyes’ and submitted in the Monthly Topic section of Holidays.

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The photo was taken by Group Member Paul Mulvaney while on a South African holiday.

The composition of this photo shows the closeness to wildlife that can be achieved in South Africa.

Taken from an open vehicle the wildlife sees you as part of a larger object and they do not attack the large object, however if you alight from the vehicle, you may be seen as a smorgasbord.

According to Paul, to see a wild animal walk this close to you is quite amazing and to look into the eyes from this distance is quite spiritual.

For information on the Myall U3A Photography Group contact Paul at

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