Nambucca author Annie Seaton launches latest ripping read ‘Osprey Reef’

Osprey Reef, Annie Seaton’s new novel.


NAMBUCCA local and international best-selling author Annie Seaton’s latest adventure story ‘Osprey Reef’ was released this week.

A mysterious reef, a town filled with intrigue and family secrets are the backdrop for Annie’s latest novel, a dual timeline story.

In 2019, Bethany Kristensen heads a family fishing charter business that is challenged as a rival business attempts to damage their reputation.

In 1934, her great-grandmother, Stella Booth escapes a life she dreads, as she embarks on a journey.

Both stories will collide, secrets will be revealed, and a family mystery solved.

“The research for Osprey Reef involved time spent in Mackay Library, and the Whitsundays region, exploring the historical aspects and the landscape settings of the story,” Annie told News Of The Area.

“A highlight of the research involved a voyage on the Elizabeth E11, learning to be a sea captain.”

That charter boat is coincidentally owned and skippered by former Nambucca local Shane Steele, Anne’s great-nephew.

95 percent of the ocean is unexplored and that leaves much scope for imagination for an author who loves writing suspense.

“Along with the issue of coral bleaching, the mysteries of the reef provided the inspiration for the plot of Osprey Reef as the characters embark on a scientific expedition.

Annie said, “Over the years I have been intrigued by the mysteries of the ocean and have enjoyed movies and books with sunken treasure and shipwreck themes.”

Osprey Reef includes many of the mysteries and current issues that impact on the reef today.

After her research was complete—library research, sea voyages, and many photographs, Anne came home to Nambucca Heads and sat down to write her story.

“Pick up Osprey Reef, and lose yourself in the history and mystery, love and drama of the Great Barrier Reef.”

When Anne Smith was growing up in Brisbane she loved two things: books and the sea.

Seaton, her pen name, originated from living and writing in her much-loved ‘town by the sea’, Nambucca Heads.

She was introduced to books at an early age by her mother, with weekly visits to the local library, and an annual family holiday to the beach instilled a love of the ocean.

Anne recalls climbing the Hills Hoist in their suburban back yard to try to “see the sea” as she was growing up.

Thirty plus years of living in Nambucca Heads, and an ocean view from her kitchen window has satisfied Anne’s love of being near the water.

And her love of books has resulted in a successful career (post-retirement from education) as a best-selling author, over the past eleven years.

Many of her books involve the ocean, and coastal environments, and incorporate her love of history.

Nambucca locals can look forward to a locally-set historical novel, Wellington Rock, now in the planning stage.

The cover has already been created using a photograph by another Nambucca local, talented photographer, Rhys Grainger.

Osprey Reef is available in e-Book and print.

A signed print copy can be purchased at Annie’s online print store at

Osprey Reef is also available in Nambucca Heads at the Nambucca Heads Newsagency and Earthbound Bowra Café.

You can purchase Annie’s e-book from any of the e-book stores listed on the following link:




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