Nambucca Heads Women’s Bowling Club Results


NAMBUCCA Heads Women’s Bowling Club (NHBWC) has recently held two sponsored days, kindly funded by Bernard Laverty’s.

The matches were hotly contested, and the ladies all enjoyed terrific bowls and socialising.

Kim Porter introduced a new dance move on the mat, and again, a lot of ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ were heard on the green.

Results for 18 November were: Rosemary Dugdale and Arlene Duffus def Janice Cedelland and Margaret Dwarte 17-13; Teresa Meehan, Nerida Blackford and Elaine Fleming def Ann-Maree Johnson, Margaret Duffus and Margaret Flagg 15-14; Tina Ryan, Chris Davis and Gloria Richardson def Joan Haigh, Hermi Frank and Kim Porter 20-16.

We have played the first round of Restricted Singles – for ladies who have played less than five years.

The results were; Teresa Meehan def Ann Maree Johnson 25-20, Rosemary Dugdale def Tina Ryan 26-12, Nerida Blackford def Janice Cedelland 26-18, and Margaret Duffus def Eliza Brown 25-22.

In other recent social matches the results were: J Haigh, J Cedelland and E Fleming def J Haigh, T Ryan and P James 18-16; R Dugdale and N Blackford def H Frank and A Duffus 33-6; A-M Johnson, S Seckold and P Fletcher def E Brown, M Duffus and M Flagg 20-11; K Dale, C Davis and M Dwarte def K Dale, T Meehan and P Smith 24-10.



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