Nambucca Lions mark 75th Anniversary of Lions Clubs with a rejuvenation of Lions Park

Standing in front of the Lions 75th Anniversary Garden are (rear) Harry Mills, David Morris, Grahame Beatton, Rod Snart, Alan Mills, Barry Pade, David Lloyd and Don Parveez, (front) Les McDonald, Peter O’Neill, Rhonda Hoban OAM, Bill Shepherd, Margaret Orman and Paul Orman.

SEPTEMBER 2022 marked the 75th Anniversary of Lions Clubs in Australia and the Nambucca Heads Lions decided to mark the occasion in style with the rejuvenation of one of the town’s favorite spaces.

Lions Park on Newry Street, Nambucca Heads has long been a place where locals have been able to picnic while admiring beautiful ocean views and even do some whale watching.

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Thanks to the Nambucca Lions, Nambucca Valley Council, a significant club grant of over $30,000 from the Nambucca Heads RSL Club and $11,000 from the Australian Lions Foundation, the park now boasts a stunning ‘75 Year’ flower garden, a renovated rotunda and a purpose built whale watching platform.

President of the Nambucca Lions, Mr Grahame Beatton, told News Of The Area, “The public seem to love the space and are even having weddings here.”

The idea of rejuvenating this much loved space came from Friend of Lions, Don Parveez, and has resulted in the creation of a very special asset for locals and visitors alike.

On Saturday 25 September 2022 the Nambucca Lions officially opened the rejuvenated park at a ceremony attended by Nambucca Valley Mayor Rhonda Hoban.

Grahame Beatton reminded those gathered about the history of Lions in Australia and detailed a number of significant works that Lions had done in making Nambucca Heads a better place to live.

Grahame also thanked the Nambucca Heads RSL Club, the Australian Lions Foundation, Anne Gillen, Andrew Holmes, Nambucca Valley Council, Pelican Landing Garden Centre, James Bilson Builder, Kianana Bateman, Steve Bulmar, Wayne Burns, and Glenn McGrath who had all contributed greatly to the project.

In declaring the park officially opened, Mayor Rhonda Hoban said, “I thank the Lions for 75 years service to the country and 54 years service to Nambucca Heads.”


Admiring the new whale viewing platform at the Newry Street Lions Park, Nambucca Heads are (R-L) Jan Pade, Bill Shepherd, Les McDonald, Barry Pade, Grahame Beatton, Rhonda Hoban OAM, David Morris, Don Parveez and Alan Mills.

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