Nambucca Valley Bridge Club

President Scott Parker shows his appreciation for some of the tireless support workers at the Congress Lynne Slade, Molly Bence, Carol McKee & Maureen Cowan.

RESULTS for week ending: 17th June 2023.

News: The Nambucca Valley Club hosted its annual Congress over the long weekend entertaining 52 of the top players in NSW with an eight match Swiss pairs event. Nambucca Club members gave an excellent account of themselves holding their own against some really hot competitors. The Ken Wilks & Rosalie Broughton pair, with 6 wins and 2 losses were division A winners. Local pair Carol McKee & Amber Fox Division B winners with 5 wins and 3 losses also winning the coveted Isla Campbell Trophy for the best performing local members. Division C winners, John Burrows & Neah Williams with 6 wins and 2 losses. The success of the Congress was a credit to diligent convenor Robert Marshall and the tireless and dedicated catering team. Well done everyone.

Monday: 13th June. Only three and a half tables today, not surprising given the Annual Congress over the weekend. Winners on the day, Susie Keur & Les Sinclair with 59.3 percent. Runners-up with 56.7 percent Rob Marshall & Phil Booth.

Tuesday: 13th June. Ten players for a little Howell event to-night. Equal winners with 52.5 percent Caitlin McRae & Rob Marshall with Carol McKee & Amber Fox. Runners-up with 50 percent Maureen Cowan & Scott Parker.

Wednesday: 14th June. Richard has introduced problem solving elements to Wednesday’s sessions. The reaction from participants has been positive. The suggested solutions however were varied and stimulated lively discussion verifying that bridge is anything but an exact science to most of us. Seventeen players took part today.

Thursday: 15th June. A very pleasant day; six tables for a Mitchell event complimented by club anniversary celebrations after. North/South winners Janna Halioris & Richard Levy with 67.9 percent. Runners-up Maureen Cowan & Janet Dyson with 58.3 percent. East/West winners Carol McKee & Scott Parker with 61 percent. Runners-up Lynne & John Slade with 57.9 percent.

Saturday: 17th June. Twenty players competed in a five-table Mitchell event. North/South winners, Rob Marshall & Phil Booth with 58 percent. Runners-up, Linda & Mike Siford. East/West winners, Molly Bence & Robert Baker with 58.5 percent. Runners-up Amber Fox & Carol McKee with 57 percent.

Urunga: 14th June. Thirty players competed in a Mitchell event. Visitors Helen Foster & Anthony Gam received a warm welcome. Also, Doris Peters from the Nambucca Club. All combined for a very pleasant afternoon’s bridge.

North/South winners, Glen Hallett & Phil Booth with 65.9 percent. Runners-up Susie Keur & Paul Coe with 52 percent. East/West winners Lynne & John Slade with 68.2 percent closely followed by Visitors Helen Foster & Anthony Gam with 65.4 percent.


A relaxed and satisfied Congress Convenor & Principal Director, Robert Marshall. After a very successful Congress.

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