Nambucca Valley NFPs share in $107,000

FRRR and VFFF Directors and staff visiting ShoreTrack. Photo: Alice Payne Photography.

THREE not-for-profits (NFPs) in the Nambucca Valley have received more than $107,000 in grants thanks to the Foundation for Rural Regional Renewal (FRRR), in partnership with Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation (VFFF), through the Investing in Rural Community Futures (IRCF) program.

ShoreTrack Ltd will receive $45,000 for their YP Connect Tech program, which aims to build connections and understanding between ShoreTrack young people and the NFP sector through collaborative multi-media workshops and work experience opportunities.

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The Miimi Aboriginal Corporation will benefit from $50,000 towards its Leadership Growth Project, which is designed to revitalise the organisation through additional human resourcing to support wellbeing, cultural leadership, social enterprise development and operationalizing a new strategic plan.

Bowraville Communication Technology Centre Incorporated has also received funding, with a $12,430 grant for Community Printing Services and Volunteer Support Training, which is hoped will rejuvenate volunteer efforts and service delivery through equipment upgrades and First Aid training.

IRCF is a five-year program initially designed to support local NFPs in Junee, Leeton and the Nambucca Valley.

The goal is to support and build the capacity of locally-led organisations, so that they’re better equipped to deliver on their purpose and serve their communities.

As part of the program, FRRR works with community groups and leaders to create a roadmap that will help local organisations to work together towards achieving their goals and filling in the existing gaps within their communities.

Program participants are offered a range of supports under the IRCF model, including access to a facilitator, grants, participatory planning processes, skill development, and external resources.

Natalie Egleton, FRRR CEO, said that the IRCF program in Junee, Leeton and Nambucca Valley is now in its fourth year and its success highlights how important it is to have place-based grant programs that focus on specific communities and their needs.

“This program is quite unique in the sense that it has operated over a number of years.

“This means that we get to go on a journey with these organisations, addressing issues they identify and working towards achieving the goals outlined in the road mapping process on what’s almost a step-by-step basis.

“At this stage of the program, the majority of the local NFPs being funded have previously received a grant through the program and are consolidating their efforts or building capacity to engage in more collaborative projects.

“The ongoing support and resources provided by this program give these communities consistency and the ability to plan for the long-term, both of which are crucial for creating sustainability and self-sufficiency in the future, once the program comes to a close,” Ms Egleton said.

“In this round, we clearly saw an emphasis on financial sustainability by the local organisations in these three communities.

“Program participants are working towards revenue diversification, improving financial systems and amplifying their value proposition, all of which are really important considerations for NFPs in remote, rural and regional Australia given the economic uncertainty we’re currently facing,” Ms Egleton said.

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