Nambucca Valley Visitor Information Centre: The front line in the fight for tourism

Nambucca Valley Visitor Information Centre volunteers Gail Griffiths, Dorothy Harris, Alie Arjaans, Graham Harris, Graham Barnett and Gerry Lewis.

THE natural beauty of the Nambucca Valley and its quaint towns and villages has long been a draw card for visitors and holiday makers.

Most local businesses benefit from tourism dollars coming into the area and there are flow-on effects such as employment and investment in infrastructure.

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The Nambucca Valley Visitor Information Centre (VIC) and its small team of around twelve volunteers are literally the front line when it comes to welcoming visitors to our district and providing them with the local knowledge that sets them on the right path and ultimately makes them repeat visitors.

“When I moved to the district in 2009 I was amazed by the variety of wonderful things to do and decided to become a volunteer at the VIC so I could share these things with visitors,” volunteer Gail Griffiths told News Of The Area.

“Initially most visitors tend to want to connect with the river and the ocean and we point out to them the other wonderful places in the district like Bowraville, Macksville and Valla.

“If they are here for a longer period of time we also recommend places beyond our valley such as Dorrigo and Kempsey which are so much more accessible since the completion of the highway.”

For the past 45 years the Nambucca Valley has been welcoming visitors with volunteers set up in various locations such as a roadside caravan and the Nambucca Heads Entertainment Centre.

Mrs Edna Stride, who is now in her 90s, recognised the need for a permanent home for a Visitor Information Centre.

As a Nambucca Valley councillor she lobbied other councillors for their support, was able to secure grant monies and the centre seen today was opened in 2003.

The site of the VIC even has links to the traditional inhabitants of the land as Gumbaynggirr elder Billy Robinson and his family lived there for many years.

Known as Ngajii (Grandfather) he made his living by weaving baskets from the canes of the lawyer vine, which he would gather in the bush and carry home on his back, selling them to tourists and locals.

Ultimately the aim of volunteers at the VIC is to promote local businesses and attractions and provide that local knowledge on what to do with their time and make recommendations on where to eat.

“We have an unwritten rule that if we do not eat there, we will not recommend that they eat there,” one volunteer told NOTA,

The VIC volunteers concede that they love the work however they need a hand and are looking for more volunteers.

“If you like meeting people we would welcome you as a volunteer, including people on JobSearch.

“If we can get enough volunteers we can return to being open seven days a week,” long time VIC volunteer Dorothy Harris told NOTA.

“Your volunteering days can be flexible but generally we work four or five hour shifts either weekly or fortnightly.”

For more information contact Gail Griffiths, the Volunteer Coordinator on 0429631741 or call in at the centre, open most days (except Monday and Tuesday) from 9 am to 2 pm.


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