Opening of Driver Reviver at Brown’s flat

Allan McCormack the National Director for Driver Reviver and Lions President Judy Dixon.


A Driver Reviver kiosk was officially opened on Sunday 19 October, 2019.

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The Lions of Bulahdelah have for many years provided Driver Reviver services for motorists travelling the Pacific Highway. That involved towing a heavy purpose built caravan out to Brown’s Flat every morning and back to Bulahdelah each night.

Six months ago, the Lions decided to build a permanent structure, a kiosk, at the site.

It was funded by an anonymous donor who left a bequest to the Lions club of Bulahdelah.

“It has made such a difference,” said Lions President Judy Dixon. ”and has lifted a heavy workload on all our volunteers.”

The work was outsourced and the finished facility is very professional. The volunteers and the drivers love it.

Judy said, “The Lions cover shifts at the beginning and end of the school holidays and the Easter Weekend.”

The facility is also opened over the Christmas Break, and holiday breaks and long weekends.

“We are so grateful for our volunteers and their commitment to service the kiosk,” said Judy.

The facility was officially opened by Allan McCormack the national Director for Driver Reviver.

The function was attended by Rhonda McCormick, RMS Representatives and Bulahdelah Lions and Driver Reviver Volunteers.

“We are very supportive of the work the Lions of Bulahdelah do,” said Mr McCormack.

“This is a very impressive facility and will provide a great stop for fatigued drivers. That reduces the road toll so it is a very vital service,” he said.




The kiosk.

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