OPINION: A vote for native forests

DEAR News Of The Area.

AS election day looms, may the people of Coffs Harbour spare a considered thought when voting for our Native Forests under threat.

Now, soon, imminent.

For example Pine Creek State Forest alone has eight compartments planned to be logged this year.

Within these plantations, some of which have not been logged for tens of years, forests have evolved to be predominantly native forest.

Industrial scale logging will see these pockets disappear forever.

A good part of Pine Creek State Forest lies between Bindarri and Bongil Bongil National Parks, both of which, under the former Federal Liberal/National party ironically, were given the honour as being listed as areas of intergenerational significance mainly because of their healthy koala populations.

However it seems our state Nat/Lib counterparts have no such respect as this planned logging under their watch shows.

At recent candidate forums and coverage in NOTA indeed it is only the Nat/Libs who are entirely focused on logging without considering what is being logged and where.

‘We need the wood’ has been said at a recent forum.

It doesn’t have to include native forest though, most of which is left as waste after logging.

A timely reminder our koala is endangered.

It and other species rely on having homes and food trees to exist.

Our waterways are also under threat as logging in other nearby areas is planned in Headwaters. Ecosystems will be severely impacted with loss of valuable carbon sinks if this ‘unprecedented’ large scale planned logging operation goes ahead.

Make your vote count.

Vote for nature and as has been highlighted previously, number all the boxes so your preferences go where they should.


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