OPINION: Has Australia gone mad on renewables?

DEAR News Of The Area,

AUSTRALIA has gone mad.

About 60 percent of us living in this area are over 65 and waiting for God.

We have seen the best of Australia and it is now all downhill.

What a holy mess we are leaving for our grandchildren.

We need to put pressure on our councils, state and federal governments to wake up to themselves.

Small nuclear technology has next to no emissions and can plug into the existing system.

No need to blow $20 billion on new lines and systems.

We have vast stocks of uranium.

The European Union in their desperation have reclassified nuclear and gas as renewables.

Even Greta Thunberg has jumped on the bandwagon – extolling Germany to go nuclear.

We could have a SNT system in our Council area.

The Lithium extraction process uses approximately 500,000 gallons of water per metric ton of lithium.

Any residue which reaches waterways pollutes, killing fish and animals alike.

Fracking is less invasive.

Australia’s lithium is sourced from Western Australia near Southern Cross some 250 km East of Perth and from the Pilbara.

Lithium Battery warranties are usually for eight years but can be effective for ten to 20 years, but because lithium cathodes degrade overtime they cannot be placed into new batteries.

China has a 51 percent controlling interest in lithium production in Australia.

So the life of your expensive EV is about ten years and then what do we do with the batteries?

The USA has pledged to reduce methane emissions by 30 percent.

Our dopey government is seriously thinking of doing the same.

The quickest way to achieve this would be to reduce our herds by 30 percent.

Forget the damage to our farmers and exports.

We can all become vegans!

Last but not least is my whinge about the vandalism suggested for North Shearwater.

450 sqm blocks for steep sloping land on the hill behind me.

We don’t need rural slums and with all the rainfall we have had, it will be an unsightly mud bath.

No worries God and Albo will provide.

Kind regards
David BRUCE,
Tea Gardens.

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