OPINION: Not long to go on Nambucca Heads Library Project

DEAR News Of The Area,

THE latest estimate for the date of completion of the Nambucca Heads Library Project is the end of October.

The librarians then will need a couple of weeks to move into the new building and so we are expecting the new centre to be up and running by November.

The project is set to deliver an exciting new ‘Cultural Centre’.

So what cultural events are we to expect and who will plan and manage these events?

The management of a cultural centre is a complex task.

It will require planning, oversight and day to day administration to deal with bookings, collect booking fees, demonstrate technological equipment and oversee insurance for hirers.

Presumably the library staff will have a part to play.

Will there be additional hours allocated to them for this additional work?

What part will the halls committee play in this new cultural venture?

The project is nearing completion but these fundamental aspects of the plan are still unclear to many of us.

One thing is for certain – this $5 million building project will require some degree of administrative management if it is to achieve its potential and develop a programme of cultural activity in Nambucca Heads.

Many cultural activities that were once a feature of the Main Hall have been put on hold for so long that they will not be easy to resurrect.

It would be helpful to have an update from the Project Manager to explain how this new ‘Cultural Centre’ will be managed and what types of cultural activities are being planned.

Clearly it will require organization, finance and expertise if it is to be successful.

There is not long to go so there must by this stage be a plan of action.

It would be helpful to know what this is.

Marlene GRIFFIN,
Valla Beach.

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