OPINION: The grown-ups are back in charge

DEAR News Of The Area,

CRITICISM of the recent Federal Budget by NSW Treasurer Matt Kean and local MPs Kevin Hogan and Pat Conaghan should not go uncontested.

As noted by Business NSW the Budget was “reasonable and proportionate”.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers produced a responsible Budget that will start the long and difficult process of dealing with global challenges and rectifying the poor economic management of the Morrison government.

It will be a long battle to undo the results of the reckless spending of the previous government, which was made considerably worse by a pre-election cash splash in a vain attempt to retain office, but the Budget is a good start.

Jim Chalmers’ first Budget will set the tone for economic management by the Albanese Government – measured, responsible and economically literate.

Like so much of the Government’s work since assuming office, it is a clear indication that the grown-ups are back in charge.

Labor state election candidate for Coffs Harbour

One thought on “OPINION: The grown-ups are back in charge

  1. A great start, with more to come. I look forward to seeing this fiscal responsibility being matched with environmental responsibility – another area where the LNP left it’s dismal stain.

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