OPINION: Why would we copy the Gold Coast?

DEAR News Of The Area,

IT amazes me that some people have such a poor vision for the future of the Jetty Foreshore that they adopt ideas from the last century and copy places like the Gold Coast.

To this end, they plan residential buildings of multi-storeys to be erected East of the railway lines, thereby reducing the open space on our Foreshore.

This is far what the city needs for our expanding city.

Tourists and our local population are pleased to have the space to walk or run, or to ride their bikes, scooters and skateboards; or push the wheelchairs, prams and wheelie-walkers.

They enjoy the opportunity to gather to picnic and socialise.

They enjoy the Carnival across the summer holidays, the restaurants, the Fishing Co-Operative, the Yacht Club, The Marine Cadets and the opportunity to park and access the beautiful Jetty and the safe beach for their families.

As the city expands we need to look ahead and make sure that our Foreshore has the space to enjoy all of the above activities for a much larger population.

Tourists do not come to see high-rises that are crowding the recreational spaces.

Once our space is built over it will never be reclaimed.

Speak now and make sure your voice is heard by the right people.

Coffs Harbour.

3 thoughts on “OPINION: Why would we copy the Gold Coast?

  1. I couldn’t agree more – well said Sue
    As well as open space for an ever increasing, and planned for increasing population, the other thing that concerns me is that effectively the number of car parking spaces will actually decrease from what is available now, which includes a large number of informal spaces on the large gravel area to the north of Marina Drive
    Thank you for having had your “Opinion” letter published. I hope many do read it ….

  2. The draft plan as presented, for the Jetty Foreshores in actual fact results in an increase of open space, compared to what is there now.
    The community has provided its opinion as to what the community wants to happen in the space under review.
    It is now not a matter of if this should happen or not, it is a matter of the NSW Government producing a final plan, reflective of what the community has proven to indicate they want.
    The economic benefit to our overall community from the revitalisation of the Jetty Foreshores will be significant, coming at a time when our LGA is facing the deferral of a significant reduction in our Capital Expenses Budget.
    The younger age bracket who responded to the survey were significantly more in favour of a more comprehensive revitalisation, than those who were in the plus 55 age bracket. This is a meaningful reflection of those more focused on the future of our area, as compared to the predominantly older age bracket who it is proven, struggle to accept change from what it is that they have previously been used to.

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