Port Stephens Local Councillor Jaimie Abbott Seeks Election At The NSW State Election on 23 March 2019

Jaimie Abbott holding her baby, Harvey, stands with partner Matt Bailey and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian on the campaign trail.
Jaimie Abbott holding her baby, Harvey, stands with partner Matt Bailey and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian on the campaign trail.


PORT Stephens Councillor, Ms Jaimie Abbott is looking to add Member for Port Stephens to her political accomplishments in the upcoming March State election.

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News Of The Area interviewed Ms Abbott to gain an insight into her plans for the electorate if elected.

She said of the three main areas of concern for Port Stephens voters, were better roads, improved health services, and increasing local job opportunities.

Ms Abbott told News Of The Area, “For the past two months I have been knocking on doors across Port Stephens almost every day, listening to people’s concerns and issues.”

“After numerous conversations about things that people believe are important and what they want to see government deliver, it becomes absolutely clear that managing our state’s budget is at the foundation of being able to deliver and improve every service that people enjoy or want.”

“In 2017 I ran for the local council, because I believed that I could be a strong voice for our community that could represent its views and help to improve local infrastructure.”

Recounting some of her achievements, Ms Abbott said, “Whether it is the new playground in Nelson Bay for children with a disability, the new Koala Hospital or the Birubi Transport Interchange, I have been driven to deliver for the community.”

“Having had my first child last November I am even more focused on our community’s future that we will all share – the challenges and opportunities – such as local infrastructure investment and better health and education facilities.”

A long standing issue for Medowie residents has been the absence of a local, public high school despite the land for one being owned by the Department of Education for decades.

Of this issue, Ms Abbott told News Of The Area, “I have been speaking with the community around Medowie about the high school.”

“If I am elected, I will be asking the Education Minister for a full briefing with the Department so that I can ensure that our local students’ needs are being met now and into the future.”

“Having looked into this on their behalf, I understand that the NSW Department of Education has considered the viability of a local high school and raised concerns that an additional high school in Medowie would have a negative impact on Irrawang High School.”

Conversation and consultation is a priority for Ms Abbott, telling News Of The Area, “I believe there are many ways to get local residents involved in decision-making, such as social media, street stalls and community meetings.”

“I find that even just knocking on someone’s door to give them an opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions is a great way to learn about the passion that people have to see their streets and neighbourhoods improve.”

Ms Abbott, with her partner Matt and their baby boy, Harvey, enjoy “Spending time on the Tilligerry peninsula.”

“One of our family’s favourite weekend activities is to take the picnic rug down to the waterfront with the dogs and watch the sunset.”

“I am also a keen scuba diver and love getting out for a dive around Fly Point and Halifax.”Ms Abbott has had a varied career prior to being elected as a local government councillor, telling News Of The Area, “Before my political life, I had been a radio and TV journalist.”

Ms Abbott is also a Squadron Leader in the RAAF Reserves and has been deployed.

“I also run my own small business which offers public speaking training, giving the opportunity to help others boost their confidence.”

“I am passionate about animal welfare, and I was the President of Hunter Animal Rescue for 7 years.”

Ms Abbott has told News Of The Area that if elected as Member for Port Stephens, she will continue in her role as Councillor saying, “If elected, I will commit myself entirely to serving the needs of the Port Stephens community in both of my roles.”

“Rather than being incompatible, I believe this scenario presents a unique opportunity for me to work across both levels of government in support of outcomes that benefit local residents.”


By Heather SHARP

One thought on “Port Stephens Local Councillor Jaimie Abbott Seeks Election At The NSW State Election on 23 March 2019

  1. I am unimpressed that this candidate has not removed her election signage from public space on Government Rd, Nelson Bay Rd and Soldiers Point Rd.. She sets a very poor example indeed of civic responsibility by a Councillor when she allows signage to be nailed to trees and does nothing to fix the vandalism.

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