Positive Behaviour for Learning program returns

Last week’s nominees at the presentation at MarketPlace Raymond Terrace.

SCHOOL is back and so too are the local Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) awards.

The community joint initiative promotes a consistent system that helps define, teach and support appropriate behaviour which in turn creates a positive environment for student growth.

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Since its launch over seven years ago, PBL has been shown to have a positive impact on the lives of participating children as students respond well once they develop an understanding of expectations.

The goal is for the local participating schools, parents, businesses, service providers and government agencies to embrace PBL as a framework to give every child the opportunity to reach their full potential.

There are currently over 3,000 students that are enrolled in schools that use PBL to support their students, staff, families and community wellbeing.

Participating schools have reported tangible outcomes from PBL including a significant decrease in negative incidences, while attendance and retention has increased.

Children feel cared for and safe as PBL provides a worthwhile and mutually beneficial opportunity for parents, families and the community to be more actively involved.

During the school terms, students and their families gather at MarketPlace Raymond Terrace Food Court on Thursday evenings at 5.30pm to celebrate the outstanding achievements of the young people with weekly PBL Award Winners.

Students receive a gift bag with offers and vouchers from participating retailers as a thank you for their positive behaviour.

Owen Todhinter, PBL Community Coordinator of Grahamstown Public School told News Of The Area, “Grahamstown Public School is a proud member of the Raymond Terrace Community PBL program.

“Our school values are ‘safety, respect and personal best’.

“We teach school-wide focus lessons every week and actively promote positive behaviour through our ‘Graham’ reward tokens as well as whole school rewards.

“Our most recent PBL reward was a student vs teacher netball game at the end of Term 3.

“Through our PBL processes, we have set up additional supports for students in the school through social games and volunteer roles during break times.

“Our staff, students and parents are huge supporters of PBL and are thrilled each week to reward students who represent our school with humility, pride and respect,” said Owen.

Last week’s award winners

– Lexxi Abra of Irrawang Public School was nominated after she ended up on the wrong bus but was very brave when speaking with the driver to get back to school by using her manners and staying calm.

– Raymond Terrace Public School’s nominee this week is Daniel Frazer who was nominated for being kind and respectful to all visitors at the school.

– Grahamstown Public School student Stevie Riggs was nominated for being a kind and inclusive student; regularly seeking out other students in the playground who are sad or need a friend to play with and including them in her game.

– Irrawang High School’s Saraya Cockle was nominated for her kindness and compassion to a young student from a partner primary school at Transition Day, demonstrating school PBL values.

– Hunter River High School’s nominee was Nova Larkins who displays excellent work and attitude when helping clean the library. Nova also assisted the participating primary students at the Write a Book in a Day competition.

– Keegan Lane is a new addition to Salt Ash Public School and he is committed to using PBL values everyday.

Not only within the classroom environment but also during playtimes outside.

He consistently models positive behaviour and offers assistance to younger students acting as a buddy.

– Medowie Public School’s Steve Johnson found a parcel that was delivered to his house that didn’t belong to his family. He looked at the delivery address and took the parcel to the rightful owner which resulted in a well deserved PBL nomination.

– Seaham Public School student Grace Thompson was nominated for her continued support of other students at Seaham Public School.

Grace always goes out of her way to ensure others are safe and happy.

– Leiana Manton of Karuah Public School was nominated for being a reliable and friendly teammate, both at training and on game day.

The team at the NOTA congratulate all the PBL nominees.


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