Probus Club tackles tough topics

Caitlin Russell and Annette Atkins addressing members at a recent Probus Club meeting.

WHILE the old adage tells us that nothing is certain but death and taxes, planning for such things can make their arrival that little bit easier.

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At a recent meeting of the Fingal Bay Probus Club, attendees heard from special guest speakers Caitlin Russell and Annette Atkins, locally based funeral directors.

“Planning ahead is not only sensible, but also essential,” Julia Redlich from the Fingal Bay Probus Club told News Of The Area,

“We delved into the variety of services available, such as personnel, timing and costs, which means that they can be handled with wishes already recorded as the way you and your family wants.”

Attendees were provided with a range of information to consider and discuss with family and legal advisers.

Probus Club members have also discussed the planning of wills, guardianships and funerals.

“Annette and Caitlin were understanding with their answers to questions and their friendly approach was much appreciated,” Julia said.


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